Put this piece together for a recent ‘So You Think You Can Dance’ choreography submission showcase… I think it turned out really cool!! https://www.youtube.com/user/dothedrew24 Subscribe to My Channel https://instagram.com/awinghart Instagram https://twitter.com/awinghart Twitter https://andrewwinghart.com Website The music is “Bugg’n” by TNGHT https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/bug… Huge thanks to these amazing dancers… THEY ARE TOP NOTCH: Taylor Banks Audrey Case Emily Crouch Kelly Dankbar Sammi Farber Rachael Hopkins Jenna Johnson Michael Munday Molly Myers Wyatt Rocker Courtey Schwartz & Amy Yakima https://www.andrewwinghart.com
David Geaney performs in the INEC Killarney as part of the Donal Walsh Foundation concert.
Nomadic Choreography: Richard Alston and Ajani Johnson-Goffe Music: Shukar Collective, tracks from Urban Gypsy (song in this video is Verbal Fight) Filmed by Marco Benozzi and Steve Jackman at Sadler’s Wells. Edited by Steve Jackman. http://www.richardalstondance.com International Touring Gillian Newson Dance Arts UK Email: gillian.newson@btopenworld.com Tel: + 44(0)77 68166381 UK Touring Isabel Tamen Executive Director, Richard Alston Dance Company Email: radc@theplace.org.uk Tel: + 44 (0)20 7121 1010 For further information about education work, please contact: Katie Vernon-Smith Email: katie.vernon-smith@theplace.org.uk Tel: + 44 (0)20 7121 1019
Guest Performance at the 2014 SDNZ National Champs Music “Check On It (Live)” by Beyoncé (Google Play • iTunes)
2013 graduates – beautiful work by the very creative Natasha Mould and Jack Evans with talented Sam Salter “Let her Go”…
Choreography by: Duc Anh Tran x Rz1 Dancers: Andras Orosz, Bertold Hermann, Rao Matyas, Le Thanh Huy, Daniel Krichenbaum, Mark Szakacs, Daniel Fekete Tracklist: 1. Tran D. A. Music – Rz1 Intro 2014 2. 20. Jackal – Shakedown (LOUDPVCK Remix) 3. Tyga – Good Day – (Asst. Choreographer: Daniel Fekete) 4. Sam Sparro – Fly – (Asst. Choreographer: Mark Szakacs) 5. Nobody Moves – Never Stop
Mayara Magri as Mitzi, and Marcelino Sambé, Reece Clarke, Tomas Mock and Calvin Richardson as Four Hungarian Officers, and Steven McRae as Crown Prince Rudolf. Kenneth MacMillan’s Mayerling was filmed and screened live in cinemas on 15 October 2018. Find out more at https://www.roh.org.uk/productions/ma… Mayerling is based on the true story of the deaths of Crown Prince Rudolf and his teenage mistress Mary Vetsera in 1889. This dark and intense ballet was created for The Royal Ballet in 1978 and is regarded by many as among Kenneth MacMillan’s finest works. Orchestrated and arranged by John Lanchbery, the music of Franz
Natalia Osipova (Bolshoi Ballet Academy)at 17, dancing Esmaralda variation, 23-Sep-2003
Alice (Lauren Cuthbertson) stumbles upon the Mad Hatter (Steven McRae) in Christopher Wheeldon’s curious production of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland for The Royal Ballet. Find out more at http://www.roh.org.uk/alice Christopher Wheeldon’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland burst onto the stage in 2011 in an explosion of colour, stage magic and inventive, sophisticated choreography. Joby Talbot’s score combines contemporary soundworlds with sweeping melodies that gesture to ballet scores of the 19th century. Bob Crowley’s wildly imaginative, eye-popping designs draw on everything from puppetry to projections to make Wonderland wonderfully real. Alice encounters a cast of extraordinary and instantly recognizable characters, from the
Eva Evdokimova was picked to be the first recipient of a new award, the Galina Ulanova Prize. This was presented to her on the stage of the Bolshoi Theatre in 2005 by Vladimir Vasiliev, who declared that she had been chosen for this honour for “selfless dedication to the art of the dance”. No more suitable recipient of this award could be imagined. This magical dancer dies at just 60…
In this Swing Time clip, Lucky, Astaire, saves Penny’s, Rogers, job by showing how much she has taught him. The first true dance number with the two, the other being with Fred fumbling and pretending to be a terrible dancer. Both scenes, however, go to the same song, Pick Yourself Up, this scene without lyrics and much more lively with the other more calm, with lyrics, between the two. Music by Jerome Kern and Lyrics by Dorothy Fields
Hip Hop International (HHI) New Zealand Nationals 2018, Choreographed by Parris Goebel, performed by The Royal Family, ReQuest Dance Crew & Royal Family Varsity. You can catch The Royal Family on tour: Australian Tour: 24-27 MAY 2018 Asia Tour: 16-24 JUNE 2018 Follow us on Instagram: https://instagram.com/officialpalaced… https://instagram.com/officialrequest… https://instagram.com/officialroyalfa… Facebook: http://facebook.com/ReQuestDanceCrew http://facebook.com/OfficialPalaceDan… http://facebook.com/ParrisProject Twitter: http://twitter.com/RFDanceCrew http://twitter.com/ParrisGoebel