Got to Dance 2012 – Luke Audition

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Here we have for you another of our young stars, Luke Mann, also from Mansfield, performing his most recent audition piece for Got to Dance Series 3 on Sky 1. Luke now attends Tring School of Performing Arts in London, where he won a full dance scholarship following his huge success last year in Series 2 of the show. Sadly, this means we see much less of Luke at Excelsior now, but he still comes back up to Mansfield regularly to develop routines and polish up audition pieces with Angela, In fact, all of Luke’s television performances to date have been choreographed at Excelsior by Angela… including this one, as well as those planned for Luke in the near future. We are all very proud of our young Mann… and wish him every success in what promises to be a long and fulfilling career.
For more information about our dance school, please go to ”www. excelsiordance .co .uk”